2024 BIBSAM agreement with MJS Publishing

We are delighted to announce a significant development for authors based in Sweden and affiliated with institutions within the BIBSAM consortia. An open access agreement has been established between MJS Publishing and BIBSAM, facilitating the publication of open access articles without any associated charges.

This collaborative effort between MJS Publishing, BIBSAM, and Swedish research funders is designed to simplify and expedite the publication process for all stakeholders involved. Swedish authors are now able to publish various accepted article types without incurring any costs, courtesy of this valuable collaboration.

Eligibility: Authors must be affiliated with participating BIBSAM institutions.

Effective Date: The agreement is effective from January 1st, 2024, encompassing all articles accepted on or after this date.

Author Criteria: To qualify, authors are required to:

  • Be affiliated with a participating BIBSAM institution

  • Act as the corresponding author for the manuscript

  • Conduct the majority of the research at their affiliated institution

  • Employ their institutional domain email for both submission and publication

Authors are encouraged to communicate their eligibility to the Editorial office during the manuscript submission process. This presents a noteworthy opportunity for open access publishing, and we encourage all eligible authors to take advantage of this initiative.


New Journals joining MJS Publishing in 2024